페덱스 팔고, UPS사라 By 씨티

Federal Reserve is raised the interest rate to relieve the economic slowdown and inflation. an effect. several freight volume has declined over the means of transportation.muraji zyun to the amusement of analysts, but some may not be stimulated to amend a stake in the shipping giant FedEx (Ticker : DX ) down.· WEATHER Rain City analyst Christian downward revision in FedEx shares of the parent company of holdings. His price target is adjusted to $ 225 to 270 dollars. FedEx shares finished at $ 20 in the July 2 last week.Wet Adolf Ijpeij and ” You Turn in his research reports 「 [ fiscal year by 2024. ] and more focused after that self-help initiative of a company is our demand this year with growth to focus on the a possibility of the possibility to challenge [ shuueki ]. and 」 He would undermine in freight transportation by the end of a truck.a railroad freight growth is slowing down, freight shipping volume are declining in some categories of the truck transport market. According to City for the past at months total cargo market was declining.As for cost can be performed by reducing the number of UPS capacity in a severe macro environment even bigger, overweight because UPS with confidence low weight will be a pair trade for the FedEx began 」 and analysts added.WEATHER Rain investors essentially United the parcel · · Service while FedEx that sells shares borrowed (UPS ) offer to buy shares-invest in stocks. the transaction price of the fare dropped from the balance out his bet he could not help to manage the cost of both the time of recession. WEATHER Rain to UPS can be evaluated, and the to purchase the shares for $ 10 price target. UPS shares to close at 6. $ 19 last week.the key part of this demotion to the purchase of about 67 % of all the analysts due to the connection rates in FedEx. S&P 500 with eight of the average purchase class ratio is about 58 percent. an average of analysts ‘ price target is about $ 291.UPS shares average analyst price target to about $ 210. in equity analyst that deals with about 45 percent to buy shares-invest in stocks.UPS shares in early trade on Tuesday about 9 percent this year, FedEx shares have dropped by about 19 percent. The S&P 500 and Dow Jones industrial stock average dropped by about 14 % 18 %, respectively.https : // www. bar. com / a special collateral money is 6.74 index – Shutterstock – instead, just use shutdown – p – 51 66 246 43 3

FedEx Downgrade City analyst Christian Weatherby wants investors to buy UPS shares and FedEx shares in pair trading.www.barrons.com

Federal Reserve to ease the economic slow down inflation, interest rates. going well. people pulling up transportation means the amount of goods was reduced.much to the amusement of Federal Reserve, but some analysts may not be shipping giant FedEx (FDA) had downgraded the shares.WEATHER Rain to buy the stock of the FedEx said the inventory of the City analysts had downgraded to hold. His target price set at $ 270 to $ 225. Last week, FedEx’s shares to close at $ 2.00 in the July 20.Wetpaint thermoacidophilic crenarchaeon of a macro call a macro headwinds in a research report has been acquired clan to focus on the likelihood of the challenges to growth this year’s [ shuueki ].Because he has to focus after the company’s self-help initiative is [ 202 (fiscal 2012 ] 」 and had achieved. He is seen as truck freight traffic volume is reduced until the end of the year.volume of rail freight transport growth slowing down a part of the truck market segments reduced. According to city data from the past four months — the whole cargo market has been declining.I’m confident and cost reduction of the UPS and severe capacity in the macro environment of the weight of the UPS and FedEx with respect to the insufficiency of pairs trading 」 and analysts added.基本的にWetherbeeは投資家にユナイテッド·パーセル·サービス(UPS)の株式を購入することを提案し、FedExの株式を提案している。 The trade is eliminated and the weakness of the fare management ability, they merely to bet on the cost of the two companies under the recession.We peg-rhmgdf Adolf Ijpeij and ” UPS shares, is aiming at increasing the number of the price of $ 120 per month with Best Buy. UPS shares closed at $ 19 (6) ; and last week.FedEx’s stock market about 6 percent in pre-market trading.S&P 500 and Dow Jones industrial average futures are both about 7 percent. UPS shares have not changed in midday trading.格下げに伴い、アナリストの約67%がFedExレート株バイをカバーしている。 S&P 500 with eight of the average purchase ratio is about 58 percent. an average of analysts ‘ price target is about $ 291.UPS shares have an average analyst price target of about $ 210. Buy an analyst who the movement of shares is about 45 percent.During the day’s transactions, Tuesday, UPS shares fell 9 percent of this year, FedEx shares have dropped by about 19 percent. S&P 500 Index and Dow Jones industrial average fell 14 % 18 %.


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